Sunday, October 19, 2008


The first way to get started with a budget is to know how much you are actually spending on a monthly basis. We all think that we are not spending as much as we are because it is all the little purchases ( the drinks at sonic, lunches with girlfriends, etc ) that add up. So take a small basket and a notebook.On the notebook you are going to place on one page needs and on the next page wants Every time you spend money get a receipt and place it in the basket. At the end of each day you must go thru your receipts and place them in the right category ( want or need) and right down the specifics ( amount spent and what it was) at the end of the month you will have an idea of where your money is going and where you can scale back AND start your family budget.It is important that both you and your spouse participate in this! Both of you must be on board for this to be succesful.